AAS Object Verification Tool

Please follow the two steps below verify your object list. All object names will be sent to the Sesame name verifier which will query both Simbad and NED. Please keep in mind that the more objects you submit, the longer your query will take. Times will also vary depending on what data center you are querying.

Step 1

Please indicate the nature of the objects so that the appropriate data center(s) can be queried:

Any extragalactic object or objects of unknown nature (NED and CDS)
Only Milky Way objects but excluding solar system objects (CDS)

Step 2

Please choose one of the following three methods of supplying your objects for verification. All object names will be sent to the Sesame name verifier to determine if the object is known to the data centers selected in Step 1. All valid names should have a prefix uniquely identifying the originating survey, author or catalog. Thus, PKS 1322-42 is valid, but both 1322-42 and Q 1322-42 are not. Please keep in mind that under normal conditions it takes about 1 second per object to query both NED and CDS.

2A. Few objects,

Type or cut and paste the object names in the following text window (one object per line). Use the buttons above the text box to import example object names. Click on the "Verify ..." button to send the objects to be verified.

2B. Many objects, or

If you have more objects then you feel like typing into section 2A then you can upload an object list from your computer. The list can only have one object per line. Use the "Browse" button to select your file and the "Verify..." button to upload the file for verification.

2C. AASTeX tagged objects

If you have already tagged your objects using the new AASTeX 5.2 \object tag (or its \objectname alias) you can simply upload the paper here. Use the "Browse" button to select your file from you computer. Clicking on the "Extract ..." button will upload the manuscript and extracted the tagged objects for verification.